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Deep Curly Bulk Hair Extensions

BULK (or loose) hair is free of any external attachments or applications. Remy Pure BULK hair is sometimes purchased by clients who wish to make and apply their own tape-in extensions or to create Tips/Fusion extensions. Bulk hair is also purchased by clients to make hand tied wefts or to make custom lace closures, frontal pieces and full lace or lace front wigs.


Single drawn hair is the standard thickness that many hair extensions are available in, and is a very popular choice for hair extension users. Our standard bundle of single drawn hair will contain around 50% full length hairs, and 50% varied length hairs.

If we take a bundle of 16" hair bundle, around 50% of the hairs are likely to measure approx 16", with the additional 50% comprising of a combination of lengths which are likely to be between 12-14” in length. This means that the hair will be thick at the tip of the bundle and then taper off slightly towards the end.

There are many positives associated with single drawn hair extensions, and it is often a popular choice due to its natural finish. As hair naturally grows from our scalp, each of our hair will have a different growth rate, therefore an individual with naturally grown long hair will have hair that is thinner at the tips and tapers off towards the bottom. For clients looking for a natural finish where volume at the end is not important, single drawn hair is a great choice. Equally, single drawn hair is often cheaper than double drawn hair, however if you trim the ends up by a couple of inches, they can easily be thickened to give the same overall appearance as the more expensive double drawn hair.



Deep Curly Bulk Hair Extensions

Das Rating beträgt 4.0 von fünf Sternen, basierend auf 1 Bewertung.
Preisab 39,00$
  • Bulk refers to a bundle of hair with no weft. Bulk hair is used to create weft hair extensions but is also offered for sale to clients who wish to use the loose hair to create their own weft hair extensions or for braiding and Brazilian knotting techniques.


Mit 4 von 5 Sternen bewertet.
Basierend auf 1 Bewertung
1 Bewertung

  • Cynthia James
    Mit 4 von 5 Sternen bewertet.
    Great Value

    The hair is super soft and manageable. It takes color well and can hold a curl. However, it does shed. I don't know if it's because I colored the hair or not.

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